On October 5, Microsoft will stop supporting its Swiftkey keyboard on iOS. On that day, the app will no longer be available in the App Store, but users who have already downloaded it and installed it on their iPhones can still use it.
Microsoft purchased the keyboard manufacturer Switfkey in February 2016 [1]. More than 300 million Android and iOS smartphones were using the keyboard at the time. In addition, the touch keyboard on Windows 10 PCs was eventually enhanced using Swiftkey's keyboard technology.
If Swiftkey's most recent update for Android users was on September 15, Swiftkey's most recent update for iOS users was over a year ago. A Microsoft representative told ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley today that the iOS was being deprecated, which was already evident from the writing on the wall.

"Microsoft will continue support for SwiftKey Android as well as the underlying technology that powers the Windows touch keyboard," Microsoft said in a statement attributed to Chris Wolfe, Director of Product Management at SwiftKey.
The corporation gave no additional information regarding the reasons for the iOS app's retirement. Nevertheless, you should make careful not to delete Swiftkey after October 5 if you enjoy using it on your iPhone.
[1] https://petri.com/microsoft-acquires-software-keyboard-maker-swiftkey/
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