React, Swift, Python, React Native, Deno, Flutter, Java, etc. How many other programming languages are there? Of course, new ones are added, old ones are forgotten, but what about Java? Is Java still necessary? Or is it a dead language? We will attempt to answer this question and provide our perspectives in this article.

Sun Microsystems developed Java, a high-level object-oriented programming language with static typing, in 1995, which Oracle eventually acquired. Any platform that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) may run Java code (Java Virtual Machine). It's a virtual machine that converts human-readable Java code into code that the processor can understand.

Nowadays, you can hear loud assertions like "Java is dying" and "Java is a thing of the past" on forums and in numerous papers. All of this is conveyed as "we should convert to another programming language" or "Java programmers are in short supply." But, if you listen to the facts and figures, all of this is fundamentally incorrect. So let's take a deeper look at some of these myths.

Myth 01 - Java is dying

Since the beginning of the use of this language, which is still alive and in need of support, many programs have been produced, and such professionals will be in demand for a long time. Google, Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, Oracle, and IBM are just a few companies that use Java.
According to statistics collected by JetBrains[1], Java will be the most popular programming language in 2020. However, because it is still an archaic language, it has drawbacks.

Java's drawbacks

Object-oriented programming in an unconventional way
The presence of primitives is the primary reason why Java cannot be a fully OOP language. When working with collections in Java since version 8, a functional programming method has been added.

implemented Code verbosity
Multi-word code isn't the most efficient. For example, whereas C++ only has one command, Java has five.

Applicability is restricted.
Other programming languages should be used to construct websites, games, operating systems, and drivers.

Myth 02 - The era of Java is over.

It is required to provide a few historical facts about Java to refute this myth accurately:
Oracle bought Sun Microsystems in 2011, acquiring Java and spending heavily on its development.

2014 — The release of Java version 8 was a momentous event in the programming world, as the language was significantly modified and enhanced.

A new release cycle began in 2018. Rather than releasing large-scale upgrades once a year, it was decided to provide new versions in tiny iterations. This made it possible to swiftly add new features, test them, and then rerelease them.

In the year 2020, Java overtook C++ as the most widely used programming language.

As a result, it is impossible to declare Java outdated. Yes, it's an ancient language with flaws and history, and conservative attitudes toward new releases and features may exist. Statistics, a wealth of information, code, projects, and members of the java community, on the other hand, indicate that Java will continue to be in demand for a long time.

